Slow Coast Heading


The project that I am doing is in many ways a bit selfish, heading off on a bike to take some
photos and chat to a bunch of nice people. But I would like to say that there are a group of
friends who have encouraged me and generally made the whole idea become something that is real. Firstly big kisses and hugs to Harriet, my soulmate, partner and best friend who has been so great and helped all the way. And to all the brilliant folk who have offered accommodation, who have recommended artisans and who are joining me ‘on the road’ for a day or two. Oh, and thanks Russell for the loan of the nice foldy video camera.

A big heartfelt thanks then and (yes why not) hugs all round to:

The Do LecturesHowies

My good friends over in West Wales who have let me work alongside them for a few years now.
David and Clare have fed me, put me up, given me lovely things to do, and have encouraged me on this adventure. Thanks to the legendary Tim March who coached me through the ride last year, and no doubt will give March-style encouragement this year.
bike specification and all round life adviser.

Thanks to the very talented and skilled folks at Argos Racing Cycles who have built me a very beautiful touring bike which took me the 5000 or so miles around the British coast last year, and will do the same in Ireland this year.


Simon Calder, the top New Zealand geeky genius responsible for bikehike, the best place to find bike routes or to plan your next ride. Simon is a lovely bloke and built the map section on the follow page.

Kate and Al at Positive for stepping in and making the website work. They have made life simple by getting on with things, making stuff work and being generally great.

South West Screen

Thanks to Dan and Melissa at South West Screen for their support, practical help and general niceness in the lead up to the ride last year.

Brooks of England for supplying that same B17 special saddle, the same saddle that has been made identically in the West Midlands for 100 years. I went to the factory to see the saddles made, it is a magical place. And their reputation for producing the finest leather saddles in the world is well deserved. I will sit on this saddle for 5-600 hours over the next few months, it is an important thing indeed. The panniers are great too.

Innocent Drinks

Thank you to the good folks at Innocent drinks for supplying a bunch of their lovely drinks to see me round this fine island of ours. Dan and Ceri have been big supporters of the Do Lectures (which is how we come to know each other).


Simon Mottram at Rapha was one of the first to answer my pathetic begging emails. He simply said ‘sure, tell me what you want’. Thanks Simon your cycling gear is beautiful.

Thanks Martin for supplying the amazing Skins C400 riding and RY400 recovery gear, truly excellent stuff and the only thing to deal with cramp in my legs.


Thanks to Gary at Oakley for replacing the lovely Oakley riding glasses that I left on a gate post on the Orknies last year. I promise to look after these more carefully.


Martin at Lyon for helping with the amazing Tubus racks.